Watch the Video:

Listen to the Audios:


Aletta de Wal
Artist Advisor & Art Marketing Strategist







Fabienne Bismuth
3-D Artist






Huguette May
2-D Artist





Read Their Stories:

Aletta de Wal
Fabienne Bismuth
Huguette May

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Founded in 1996, A.C.T. has grown from a local coaching practice into a "virtual university" delivering training to artists who want to make a better living making art. The programs, services and learning products continue to attract a core community of American artists, qualified "virtual faculty" across North America and a loyal readership all over the world.

Aletta de Wal, M.Ed. is equal parts artist, educator and entrepreneur. As an Artist Advisor she inspires fine artists to make a better living making art through personal consultations, professionally designed educational programs and practical independent study.

With a successful track record of creating, producing and selling her own work, managing a studio-gallery and delivering entrepreneurial workshops, de Wal helps fine artists to make more money so that they can get back to making more art.
250-306-8334 Pacific time.

(see Aletta deWal's resume)