Watch the Video:

Listen to the Audios:


Aletta de Wal
Artist Advisor & Art Marketing Strategist







Fabienne Bismuth
3-D Artist






Huguette May
2-D Artist





Read Their Stories:

Aletta de Wal
Fabienne Bismuth
Huguette May

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You can make a better living from making art ... and still have a life.


Watch this video to learn what we can offer you.


You know how to make art.  Great start.

What you need to know is how to make more money selling your art.  Am I right?

People who make a lot of money from their art are rarely “exceptional” artists.  You’ve noticed this and wondered why it’s not happening for you. After all you work hard, don’t you?

Wonder no longer.

You already have a lot of the art talent, marketing skills and life experience you need to improve your art business results.

I can help you add to what you have that’s working and change or drop what’s not working.  You’ll do better, feel better and compose a better life while you do so.

I believe in you. Believe in yourself.

Are you ready to get started making a better living from your art – and still have a life?

The best place to start is with my book, in particular the self-assessments for career stages on pages 35 - 40. Once you've determined where you fit and what you want to work on, we can have a free brief conversation about what would coaching package work best.

You can purchase the book here:

Enjoy your exploration,

Aletta de Wal, MEd, Artist Advisor and Certified Visual Coach
Author of 
"My Real Job is Being an Artist" - What You Should Know Before you Quit Your Day Job (or Get One)"